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Citation Bar, Glasgow

Venue: Citation Bar, Glasgow Recipe: Tanqueray 10, Noilly Prat, Stirred, olives Price: £9.00 WBM score: 73/100

Our trip to Citation shows the issues of getting a decent drink on a Friday night in a busy bar.

Don’t get us wrong, the barman had the skills and the method was right, but with the bar being so busy, he was distracted enough to let the drink sit in the shaker for too long, resulting in a watery, disappointing Martini.

The wait was far too long, and made to seem longer by the obligatory pianist playing tunes no-one likes and ensuring that everyone else has to speak far too loudly. Noisy and unpleasant, not a great place to sit with a serious thirst on.

We get the impression that on a quiet night we’d get a damn good drink, but quality takes time, and busy bar staff just don’t have little to spare. If you want to be a serious cocktail bar, you’re going to have to staff up to allow your chief mixologists to concentrate on the important stuff, while the junior staff throw beer at the plebs.

Disappointing, but probably worth another look on a quiet Monday night.

Good: Nice building Bad: Slow service, watery Martini, bloody piano player.

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